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Martín Volpacchio

Martin co-founded Analytics Solvers, a pioneer in Latin America on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, consulting for several oil companies and other industries. He was in charge of Data Analytics in Telefonica Argentina and is Professor of DA, AI and ML at the Universidad Austral, Argentina.

BSc In Agricultural Engineering (U Católica Argentina) and MSc in Mathematical Economics (U de Buenos Aires, Argentina).

Juan M. Volpacchio

Juan Volpacchio is co-founder of Analytics Solvers, based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Chemical Engineer graduated from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) with experience in the Oil & Gas industry as a process engineer, product programmer and participated in multiple plant stops with experiences abroad (Puget Sound Refinery, WA, USA).

His career has always focused on the use of data through the development of complex programming code applied to Analytics, Machine Learning and Big Data. Resolution of business problems that require the use of data with algorithms, in multiple sectors (Retail, Oil & gas, Banking, Telco, Agro, Insure, Health, Travel, Digital, among others).

Carlos A. Garibaldi

Carlos Garibaldi is currently a Managing Partner of Plata Energy LLC, based in Houston. With over 40 years of industry experience, Carlos has developed expertise in corporate strategy, E&P portfolio planning and valuation, business development (exploration new ventures and M&A), contractual and fiscal terms design, and in international negotiations.

Carlos joined the business in Amoco, followed by San Jorge International (President & COO) – merged into Chevron (VP of Business Development for LatAm), G&G Energy Consultants (Partner), The Scotia Group (Partner), Harrison Lovegrove – merged to Standard Chartered Bank (MD of LatAm O&G M&A), Tecpetrol (Country Manager USA), HSBC (MD of O&G Advisory Americas), Ecopetrol (Head, International New Ventures and Acquisitions), and Arthur D. Little (Director O&G Americas)

Carlos earned a professional degree in Chemical Engineering from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, a M.Sc. in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Tulsa, and an MBA from Rice University. He sits in the School of Energy Advisory Council at the University of Tulsa.

Ana Lia Ashkenazi

Development of complex programming code applied to Analytics, Machine Learning and Big Data. Resolution of business problems that require the use of data plus algorithms, in multiple sectors (Retail, Oil & gas, Banking, Telco, Agro, Insure, Health, Travel, Digital, others) – Analytics – Expertis in SAS Language, Python. Large volumes of data optimized in minimal hardware infrastructure.


Marcelo Williams

Marcelo has 36 years of experience in the Human Resources Area working at PHILIPS and UNILEVER and as Independent Professional as Non-Executive Board Member and External Executive Coach.

He has deep experience in all Human Resources Disciplines Regional and International experience in London (UK) and São Paulo (Brazil) Deep experience operating in several countries in Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia, Venezuela, Equator, Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama).

Successful experience developing and implementing big cultural transformation processes accompanying a deep knowledge in Organization Development, Performance Management, Reward and Employee Relation.

Experience in cultural transformation delivering Outstanding Performance Organizations. Clear mindset to deliver results with business orientation through the development of organizational and individual capabilities. Leading groups and building teams are real comfort zones.

Gisela Farace

With a background in Electronic Engineering, Gisela works as a Data Engineer and Python Developer in the Oil & Gas industry.

She has a solid business understanding which allows her to propose creative solutions, blending theoretical knowledge with practical skills to develop innovative technological solutions.